"The entire ball has 30 cm in diameter and is made of 48 frames, which are on the leaves. 1 and 2
1. Journal print 2 and 3 6 times each, which yields 48 frames. 24 top of the hemisphere and 24 for the bottom.
2. In Part 1 are also 3 frames with the cutout for the parabolic mirror for the upper hemisphere. (This should only be cut after the upper half of the sphere was ready glued together.)
3. For the equator partial blade 4 and 5 is provided. But it is better to cut out two round circles of gray cardboard, approximately 29.5 cm in diameter. The box should be a little stronger, so that then results in an equatorial gap of about 3mm, after which the inner lining of sheet 6 can be glued perpendicular
4. These two cardboard disks, the two hemispheres of every 24 frames are constructed.
(as an additional device here has a styrofoam hemisphere, or a ball proved with 30cm diameter!)
5. For the upper hemisphere, the three frames with the circular cut-out (of sheet 1) are required.
6. On page 6 is the parabolic mirror is fitted last.
7. To get to the equatorial plane still an elegant conclusion, even the strips of sheet 5 can be glued around.
8. As a conclusion for the upper and lower halves 2 polar caps are also provided on sheet. 6
If any questions should arise, please report..."
Source: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.phoxim.de/raimund_peter_deathstar/raimund_peter_deathstar.html